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馬偕紀念醫院 耳鼻喉科-主任李國森

Dr. Kuo-Sheng Lee graduated from the China medical university in Taitung in 1983. He received training of otorhinolaryngology and head & neck surgery in Mackay memorial Hospital in Taipei .He is the current Chief of the Department of the otorhinolaryngology and Head & neck surgery of Mackay memorial hospital.And was the director of Taiwan otolaryngological society.He is clinical professor of national defense medical center. And He is specialist in pediatric airway especially in congenital airway disease. He had postgraduated training in Children’s Memorial Hospital and Children’s Memorial institute for Reserch and Education in Chicago Illinois in 1999.He performed a vast number of pediatric bronchoscopy including flexible and rigid bronchoscopy.He developed many surgery of the pediatric airway . He had many published paper about pediatric airway including the management of laryngomalacia. He had enjoyed in the mamagement of mucopolysaccharidoses patient and had many experiences in the MPS bronchoscopy.


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